Faithfulness Part 7: Notes in a time of peril
Hardening your heart is always a choice and a danger; Yet, seek Him diligently, and He will again break up the hardness of your heart.
Reliance: You can't rely on yourself, but you can rely on God: -He is faithful, -He will catch you, -He will make the path broad for your feet, -His promises you can rely upon. You can rely upon Him to correct you, and again place you on the path where you left off.
Trust: You can't trust man, but you can trust God: -for He is forever Faithful to those that love Him.
If you fall, even in love, He can restore you Prodigal son.
Fear and Turmoil: Getting closer to the Lord thrusts these out.
A commitment for life: -You already rely upon Him for your next breath and heartbeat. You can rely on Him for your: -provision, -path, -prosperity, -peace, -joy. For He is a good God, and He loves you. If you could only grasp: How much He loves you. It would chase away all these other fears.
A commitment to a path -even a hard one: The Lord has one path for you intertwined into His plan. He has gifted you to walk in it. You won't fail if you are with Him. He will take you to such joys and heights you can't imagine -as He gifts you and rejoices over you.
Pain and Hardship: He will first prepare you so that you may endure it. He will walk you through it, and if necessary, carry you.
Watch envy- and remember the Joy upon first receiving: -your wife, - kids, -business, -possessions. The grass will always be greener and compelling. Be content with what the Lord gives you: for contentment with godliness and joy is great gain.
Sin leads to misery. Remember what to prioritize in your life: God first, wife, kids, ministry, business. You can remove all but having God first is the only essential requirement (God will handle the rest).
What if I don't do my calling? - God has one path for you. If you continue to walk with Him, you will fulfill His purpose, and in His perfect timing, even if you have fallen, He will enable you to do what He has called you to do.
This calling is so complicated and competition fierce - the only way to succeed is to constantly let the Lord lead through these complicated and busy (filled with distractions, and muddled details) paths.
He continues to be consistent in all things. Prepare yourself.
Turn and Run? You need to Commit and Trust! The Lord goes before you in all your paths and every tiny detail He is concerned for you. You need to: -keep walking (effectiveness vs. fear and paralysis), -keep working all things, -balance in all things. And, again rest in your labors, for you are blessed.
Faithful to give us a path and a purpose for our life.
When we are out of control, He is faithful to be in control.
This willing submission: Lord just take over. And things get accomplished at such a higher rate. For He is Lord and God of all. He can do all things including taking over my actions. Yet, first seek the Lord in prayer and song.
Pray and walk, Yet wait!
Analysis paralysis - Trust in the Lord's live feed. Let the peace of God lead you.
Isaiah 41:10
10 Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Isaiah 41:21
21 "Present your case," says the LORD.
"Bring forth your strong reasons," says the King of Jacob.
22 "Let them bring forth and show us what will happen;
Let them show the former things, what they were,
That we may consider them,
And know the latter end of them;
Or declare to us things to come.
This was a sarcastic comment of false gods. Yet, it points to the things that God is fully capable of: - of showing us things to come. It also speaks of effectiveness: - To do your portion of labor before the Lord. - And then seek Him to approve of these paths and plans. Is this correct or can we go to Him before the analysis?
Are there anymore strong arguments: -for or against, -that the Lord has not answered? Is the path clear?
There is a time and a season for God's perfection, wait for it!
Motivated me to stay in prayer - to pray continually - and for all things. Don't be discouraged or confused on negative feed back or attacks. Be a prayer warrior, - In all things with thanksgiving.
I questioned a little about this happening now. The "Whys?" started, but I knew to quench these quickly, and trust in the Lord. He is good and loves me. Whatever purpose He had, or no purpose at all. I give Him praise and glory this day. For whatever purpose or no purpose at all, the Lord has truly blessed me this week, and has shown His hand upon me. This stupid monetary thing is not going to take this away. I love you Lord. Thank you for a beautiful week. I am physically and mentally exhausted. Took extra Monday down. Lord restore my strength and energy. In Jesus' name I pray (IJNIP). God rewarded the approach toward Him: -even a weak one, -in a time of weakness.
Now consider your actions.....Have you truly sought the Lord's voice on all of them? Have you understood correctly? A ___________ loss now, gave you a wake up call before making foolish decisions without fully understanding the Lord. Father help me to understand your will in all things IPIJN. --It slowed me and stopped me to: -fully wait on the Lord, -fully know His will, -and to fully do it. And then, during its execution, when doubts came, I was given peace knowing I was in His will.
The Lord did allot of blessing and carrying without one spoken word to me -selah- Consider that! Yet He restrains direct guidance. Why? Walking with Him in faith and trust, versus walking from Point A to B and knowing C before starting C.
Almost to the end, the last of my strength, patience and will. I look to the Lord: -to have mercy upon me daily, - to end these things, -and pull me out of this wretched trap. Joined to evil men and surrounded with lies and trouble, the attacks continue. My armor weak; Yet my Lord shows me it is strong. My perceptions are of failure and loss. Yet the Lord has yet to speak or show His mighty hand. I am faint, weary and ready to fall. I only stood yesterday by fully looking into His face while in the midst of the fire.
Why does the Lord take us through such miserable times? (or did I lead myself here?)
If the Lord doesn't bless, I shouldn't want it... I am so weak now, my will broken, my flesh weak. The things that uphold me are not around me, and more misery lines up daily. I am ready to let go of it all; But, there is a hope -that the Lord sees my state -and will rescue me.
How did I get here? Did the Lord approve this path or did He come along to help? Did He know you would not let this one pass without jumping in head first. I need a long rest and a long rest upon the mountain. Lord help me. In Jesus Name I pray.
The Lord guided me the other day- amazingly quite allot. It came to pass after a study of Jesus under duress, and How He prayed to God three times. Each time gaining more strength. Likewise my 1st prayer was weak. 2nd prayer -more was given. On the 3rd, it really flowed.
God blessed on this day: - First inspection passed. - A potential door opened. -A weight was cut off. -Business increased.
My Lord blessed strong yesterday. Coincidentally, it followed from a night of prayer and worship extended alone after hours -at work. Yet, this time in prayer and worship seemed to be a struggle: -staying in prayer - staying on notes- a struggle in effort. This morning prayer and worship seemed effortless and in tune (to a higher degree).
In my twilight sleep, prayer comes easy, and I was even awakened to read Psalm 32, 34 ,35? They spoke of how God's hand is strong upon us when we stray, and His loving hand when we repent. Continue to praise Him; - It always preceded any of Israel's returns.
I am a little melancholy today. Success and the strong hand of my Lord revealed; but also, today is a day of failure. Six months of activity with the first sign of closing (outwardly visible). There was so much effort, stress and pain; and yet, I am sure I cannot begin to list the intervention given by the Lord to accomplish these things.
Thank you Lord for good friends who tenaciously held on, -even in prayer.
Incredible feats accomplished.
There is close, up front time with Him. Total honesty of my doubts and fears, lack of trust and voicing my concerns that He could help me with them. Again, a blessed time brings me close. Yet also shows how far I am away (wrong wording) (my concern for my daily up close time with Him that has been lacking). And yet I have tried: -time farther apart from each other because I enter in shallowly, -because of lack of time,- more stress, -worries, -interruptions when I attempt, -lack of time with brothers in Christ. And allot of these were out of my control(?) for a season(?) ....Be more diligent to do things right and set aside the time and don't pick up the phone or answer the door.
A deep yearning, craving in my heart, to be in His presence, as I contemplated Him and our walk. It reminded me of Ester waiting in the court to be called into His presence. Oh what a great feeling- to be with Him again, -In His presence, -and He answered my questions, -and we spoke of things.
Prayer seemed to provide the strength to endure.
Panic ensues.....notice of pending closure. The Lord lifts me from my knees to somehow take away the panic; I am not sure how?
Father, thank you Lord for your loving kindness and tender mercies to continually lift up your servant. Even when I fail, fail, fail and my best efforts have lead us to this dead end. Father save now I pray in Jesus' name. My outbursts of wrath and my lack of patience and my weak will, Father I have reached my end. Lord take over. Restore me. Let me recline into your hands. Take over my will. Guide my outer expressions back to that of your loving servant. Even in great duress and pain, let me choose daily Lord to be loving toward all, and let me daily be in thought of You. Father, I love You and praise You. Restore my paths, and my support activities. IPIJN
The Lord has also blessed with physical strength, mental strength, and will returning.
Selah - Even when you think you are healthy and strong and mentally fit to make a decision. Your weak, If it is done without the council of the Lord, or if it is done without seeking Him first.
Obedience in the valley... and to do what you know to do...even when not hearing His voice...yet He has blessed within the last couple of weeks.
Failures vs. Success list (about 3 to 1 with successes winning. Yet a conclusion that was not visible as a success).
You can't deny that time with the Lord heals all things. Whether in: the Word, in Prayer, in the pews or with brothers and sisters or in notes or in CW pages or just pondering our past steps and future steps together, -or in song when focused on the Lord, Its all good..... I am truly starting to feel rested - a gift from the Lord as I stop looking around at my circumstances and trust in this pasture and time of resting and God's provision.
A message of a great teaching of Jesus'; followed by a sending, and the disciples rowing in torment for 9 hours and Jesus watched from land and praying for them. And then coming to them... Yet He would have passed them by, but waiting until being invited aboard. It correlated to nine months of my trials. and how God sent them two by two. ______ and me. -And How God then called them to the side to a deserted place, by themselves to rest. - And they were given power and authority to trample on serpents and demons, and I saw Satan fall like a star from the Heavens.
Only one thing is required, all other things may be lacking, but our love relationship with our Lord. Humble yourself and He will exalt you.
I knew I blew it in so many areas in this walk: -scheduling Him in, - Prayer, - Spirit filled more often, -waiting on the Lord, -Council, -Prayer before the decision. Start practicing delayed decisions and allow prayer lifts.
"You won't miss your times or appointments", kicked this all off. As I waited on the Lord back then, - How did I miss His Devine controls?
I am not sure that I understand it all. But I don't think that necessarily matters, because regardless "You tried" but God is Faithful regardless - to cover your inadequacies.
You didn't blow it. He allowed it. It was not His perfect will for the situation (or you) - and He was faithful to go along.
Focus on God's love for us. His perfect will and timing, and seeing clearly who delays and discourages. -And Hard times are times of Blessing when we truly see - the works that are intended for us, - to produce, perform, extract: Patience, Trust , Love, Endurance, Faith, - in God that He is faithful and can be relied upon,- to the final minute, dollar, bit of strength, bit of patience. Increasing your capacity to accept and deal with fear, pain, loss, emotions. He is building us up to perform His desire and will. Not my will but Yours be done.
Still resting at His feet , getting some work done, staying in His blessings, Hanging out with His people. Gaining strength, wisdom, and energy. Still in a blessed place.
Keep walking in the blessings of the Lord. Was it a positive work for the Lord? Did you acknowledge Him in it? Did it bring glory to His kingdom? Did you edify and lift up your brothers? Did you teach things taught to you? Did you water? Were you watered? Yes, Yes, Yes, Blessed in all things. Take small steps and see if there is peace there.
Starts and stops due to attacks, you need to fight through these with prayer.
Things taken care of "By my Lord" - "Through Me".
The most important lesson this year- is Prayer. Not to panic, Not to worry, don't let the deceiver, nor the walls falling down and in around you frighten you , nor worry about the last dollar. For God is Faithful, A Faithful friend: -To keep you, -grow you, -teach you, -prosper you, -strengthen you, -Love you -even in health trials.
Do more walking rather than sitting -waiting for Spirit fills. The Lord controls all things. Walk in peace- knowing this.
"All you have to do is look straight ahead and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk". (-Ann Rand)
So many doubts in myself watching _____Yet I am weak, but my Lord is strong, and its our_______, and Our______ and Our_____. Things I cannot fathom or comprehend. The Lord has promised. A huge bag the Lord has given to me. Hold it up with faith, hope, and reliance on Him and not on yourself. And isn't this true with all the promises of God?
"When you don't understand what's going on, fall back on what you do know: -That He Loves you. - He is in command and control. - Never leaves the throne. - Never takes His eye off of you. - And He has great plans for you. -Faithful and True" (Don McClure)
"Give things over to God (commit them to Your way), and He will establish the thoughts that we think." (Hans Ives)
Last week the Lord seemed to give me an early morning focus in activity- and those things were accomplished that day.
Sufficiency for this work: - I know I am not sufficient for it. -It's too big. - Too costly. -And Yet the Lord has shown me how to accomplish such things, with faith and reliance on Him. Commit these to the Lord and His way and He will establish your thoughts.
How one page from God is more important than any work you could ever perform.
And Yet another aspect of work. You are insufficient for even the smallest detail of what He has called you to do. Every morning you should be offering the days work to the Lord: - That He might establish it, - Guide it, and bless it. And deeper still, -your work with_____, - your actions with wife and family, you are insufficient in all these areas by yourself. -Even for a small family and small ministries; But this is not what the Lord has given you visions of: -But of large works, and hard things. Oh, If it only could all be true, If I could be able to walk, hold and live to these things and Hold on to my Lord in the midst of them.
My Lord teaching me daily, How to walk with Him. Keeping fear and attacks suppressed, so that you keep walking. The Lord is: -Always there, - Always watching, - Keep moving forward. Keep your eyes and ears open to His every whisper. Don't fear the timing of the Lord. Do you have the strength today? Even in one small detail? Then do it. Knowing the Lord will be faithful to open up your vision to the next detail. Keep moving.
Concern on discernment, of hearing voices and not fully understanding all sources and intentions. The distracting little waves and opportunities are starting. The attacks while I have been down in pasture to try to confuse. Yet my Lord shows me this morning of: "Trying and failing", "Trust in the Lord", " Sovereignty of God". I have been beating myself up over my failures of the last year. The losses of which were real, but maybe overplayed in my mind to stunt my ambition, drive, and willingness to do what the Lord originally intended and taught me prior to this (this year): - To Trust in Him and walk forward, even in times of little to no discernment. - That when the guidance stops, we cannot stop what has been started just due to fear and uncertainty within ourselves. What God has established, or even If we think (with an honest heart) that He established it, we are protected. Integrity of heart. Thus the work of the Lord marches forward through tough times and times of attack.
THE LORD WILL BE CLEAR ON WHICH OPPORTUNITIES TO MOVE ON. Yet we need to be moving into position as the opportunity comes (small steps) to discern or wait on the call.
To be used in a greater way, A Boldness, a Trust, a Faith, to be used similar to Peter. And Yes, we will all fall short. -But He is Faithful and True, to again pick us up, dust us off, give us rest, anoint our heads with oil, again fill our cup to overflowing and prepare us for our next journey together. OH, GOD, JESUS, SPIRIT, GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS AND YOUR LOVE UNTO ME (US)!
Faithfulness Part 1: There is no shadow of turning with Thee. Great is Thy Faithfulness!
Faithfulness Part 2: Scripture His Faithfulness
Faithfulness Part 3: Scripture Chastening
Faithfulness Part 4: Your Faithfulness to God
Faithfulness Part 5: Overview Diary notes in a time of difficulty
Faithfulness Part 6: Out of control, But God is in control Previous page in series
Faithfulness Part 7: Notes in a time of peril
Faithfulness Part 8: Knowing God, God knowing you, and your love relationship with one another. Next page in series
Faithfulness Part 9: Praise of His Faithfulness